Embreea rodigasiana -- Interesting stanhopea relative. Bright light (low-medium end of Catt light)...heavy water most of the year (I sit in a saucer of water and when it's dry I refill) but a slightly drier period once the growths have matured...which turned out to be early summer for me. I tucked it under the eaves to keep summer rains from hitting it and w/the hotter temps it was easy to keep on the drier side. Not a total lack of water...just not as wet as the rest of the year.
If memory serves me it bloomed in August..and like Stans it blooms from below or off the side so potting in a basket is mandatory. If humidity is high most of the time it would do very well mounted.
Blooms are waxy and extremely fragrant...very sweet smell. Short lived...I think it lasted about a week.
This was it's first bloom and even though the flowers are short lived...I love it. Can't wait for it to be a bit more mature.
Ignore the leaves...I don't know if that's a water thing or humidity issue...the edges do get ugly.