My Catasetum Frilly Doris has really decided to start growing it now is up to 4 growths and does not seem to want to stop growing. Is this normal for Frilly Doris's to grow like this? My others have only 1-2 growths this one is working now on its 4th...Is this normal for this one? Im not complaining but I am sure stumped I don't want this plant to get worn out and not bloom this year.
Oh I am ecstatic! I just dont want it to wear itself out and not produce any spikes! this one I was just concerned since it is a small plant compared to my other big guys who are only producing the 1. But if this is okay I am happy. But I really want to see this bloom it is a pink shade with white fuzzy looking trim around the bottom. It should be spectacular.
I wouldn't worry about it. There's a good chance one or more of the growths will be aborted anyway. And if they all grow the whole season, then you should have one heck of a show!!