Inherited greenhouse - Stanhopea ID Assit
Hi all, I have recently inherited my grandfathers orchid greenhouse after 3+ years of neglect. I have been posting in beginners discussion as the tally count as of yesterday was 60+ unknown orchids. The tags are so old can't b read for dirt flaking and age has worn off names.
Yesterday one of the metre wide baskets bloomed and a google search tells me it's a Stanhopea :-) can anyone help with ID of this beautiful flower?? Any assistance would b appreciated.
Also I think it needs re-basketing from look of medium but man o man as someone totally new to orchids re-potting that basket seems overwhelming lol. My local orchid society doesn't start meeting until last week in march and from my reading this gorgeous orchid should n re-potted after blooming :-s Any 101 for newbies on how to re basket metre sized orchids lol