Got my new and last catasetum baby in for the year. And boy was I surprised I have about 3-4 instead of one!! It has 2 baby growths coming off of old bulbs and a full growing baby and of course the monster plant ....HOW IS IT I PULL THIS OFF!!I ORDER ONE PLANT AND GET LIKE 5! Haha once or twice is okay but if these all make it I got wayyyy to many of these things. Along w several others...
Yeah that's what I get for spelling it the way the seller did. I felt it looked wrong. As I was cleaning out the dead ropts they began to fall apart. I also felt if the larger one does go into winter sleep I would need to separate it from the baby who I feel most likely will not.
Thank you. I am hopeful to get it to bloom sometime next year.
Thank you; I am very excited. I look forward to the red and yellow blooms it is supposed to have. I have 2 black,1pink/white frills, green possibly with dots and now this one. I am super excited!