bear with me for the lengthy explaination....
i had a ctsm longiflorum, that once fell to the floor and the pot was shattered. because i dun want to damage the roots too much as it was actively growing, i just scoop the entire of it and place in in a slightly bigger pot.
it grew happily for several months till i one i decided to pull out a weed that is growing beside it. only then i notice there is a bulb like structure at the end of the it....taking a closer look, it looks like a miniature version of my longifolium.
today i asked the vendor did he grow the longifolium from compot? he said no and ask why then i tell the entire story to him and he smile and replied that he read in a book that some catasetum broken roots can produce keiki! HOWEVER I FORGOT TO ASK IF IT IS ONLY FOR LONGIFOLIUM OR OTHER CATASETUMS AS WELL.
here is the pic of the small keiki i removed and also here i would like some further info from the CATASETUMS GURUS here.