Originally Posted by glengary54
catasetum-ian - Are you sure that it came from the roots, I have never seen or heard of that before. It more than likely was a keiki that was on the bulb itself and somehow became detached. In either case you did the right thing and got it potted up. Were there any roots attached when you found it? If so I would try to keep the immature bulb from going into dormancy. Keep it warm with bright light and maybe it will survive the winter.
i can't be sure it was from the roots but definitely not a broken keiki because at the time of incident, the plant is only with two bulbs and no new growth.
in addition to that, the place where the keiki emerge is several inches away from the base of the plant, nothing is there that is why initially i thought it was a weeds.
another member from another forum just posted that one of her friend had a Fred. After Dark that had the similar situation, they used the word "root keiki".
will try to dig for further info and come up with updates if i had any.