Catasetum tenebrosum by
Isurus79, on Flickr[/IMG]
Catasetum tenebrosum by
Isurus79, on Flickr[/IMG]
So for all of those people who still believe that high/low light conditions are the only reason for male/female flowers in Catasetums, I present a very mature, large plant currently being grown in 100% shade that threw female flowers.

Unfortunately, I have never seen male flowers from this plant (which I have owned for 3 years at least), so I'm kind of annoyed. lol Oh, well. Next year I will be slicing and dicing this plant into very small pieces!!! The reason I am growing this one in total shade is because I have most of my s/h plants growing in a windowsill. There is no direct sun and I don't have enough money to buy an extra light, but hopefully will be able to do so soon.
Catasetum tenebrosum by
Isurus79, on Flickr[/IMG]
Here's a pic of the whole plant.
Catasetum tenebrosum by
Isurus79, on Flickr[/IMG]
A pic of the super, ultra happy roots in their new home.
Catasetum tenebrosum by
Isurus79, on Flickr[/IMG]
Catasetum tenebrosum by
Isurus79, on Flickr[/IMG]
And 2 pictures of the amazing quantity of sap that is being extruded while this plant grows. In Hawaii I had this one growing outside and the ants would get the sap pretty quickly, but since I have no ants inside I get to see how much sap it actually produces! Yes, I have tried it and it is very sweet and delicious!!