I had already shown the Clowesia Rebecca Northen here, but I like it so much, I had to take another picture...
Photos are not so nice, but since I am feeling better, I have started to go to work again this week... After 5 months away, there is a lot of work accumulated, and am coming pretty late back home.. not much time for Photographie, but I just wanted to take these photos before the Catasetinae flower do not look so nice anymore...
Clowesia Rebecca Northen by
kavanaru, on Flickr
Catasetum expansum by
kavanaru, on Flickr
Catasetum expansum by
kavanaru, on Flickr
Catasetum incurvum by
kavanaru, on Flickr
Catasetum incurvum by
kavanaru, on Flickr