LOL that's why the cheap word is written between "__"
but now that you ask, 100% for a high quality plant (not a mass production NOID from the supermarket) is not really expensive! The bulb division, is not a mericlone, but a division of the original plant. This makes it more valuable!
As Tim mentionned, Paph divisions can be even more expensive! Paph can rarely be mericloned, therefore a division of a very good plant can reach astronomic prices... of course, an orchids lovers, who grows them just to have some flowers at home, will not buy these rare divisions.. It is breeders, who would buy them (or Orchids collectors freaks

Paph sanderianum 'Rapunzel' AM/AOS (record guinnes for the longest petals ever) was offered once at over $ 40 000, while a particular clon of Phrag Jason Fischer was offered at $ 20 000, and some other Paphios have been offered for more than $ 100 000! If you think that's expensive, you should check the prices for especial plants of Japanese Hepaticas (some over a million dollars!) and some Neofinetia falcata divisions!