wow! Gorgeous!! very nice plant and very well grown! Congratulations to your friend...
P.S.- what is Ctsm. Pecas?
Originally Posted by marydaniellesantos
That is gorgeous! Are you or your friend going to pollinate it?
Mary, this plant cannot be pollinated as it is now. All those flowers are male flowers. Catasetum has unisexual flowers, which are normally separated in time: a plant produces either male or female flowers each time (being male flowers more common than female ones). Sometimes, but notvery often one plant can produce female and male spikes at the same time, or even both kind offlowers on teh same spike, but this is quite rare. From time to time, you can also finf hermafrodite flowers.
Female flowers of pileatum (and of most Catasetum species) look like this one:
Photo from Afriorchids in Flickr. If you click onit you should be redirected to his gallery.