So I got to meet Jim & Melana Davison tonight at an orchid society meeting in my area—I thought it was pretty cool to actually meet the inspiration of some of my plants’ names!
After helping them unload their wares, we got to talking about Catasetinae and they turned me on to a Cyc. Melana’s Swan and my immediate thought was “I’m not qualified for Cycnoches!” but I couldn’t let them down, so I stepped up and became a proud(for the moment?) owner of a Cycnoches!
I didn’t get to pick brains much between the hustle and bustle of setup and the presentation, but when I had a chance to, Jim really stressed that Cycnoches are not as tolerant of moisture during dormancy as other Catasetinae, yet I should be able to treat them like the other genera during active growth.
I guess I kinda spooked myself over time reading about the challenges faced by those that grow species Cycnoches—should I expect the same despite mine being hybrid? Also, I didn’t think to ask whether or not I should water at this point; what do you all think?
Thanks in advance!