Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts
that one is ctsm brent's black hawk 'xint' X ctsm Dark tale 'black surprise'
from another view it looks like a female flower with the odd hood, it is at least way cooler to look at
Definitely a male flower. And careful in moving it around... takes nothing to fire off the pollinia. (I hate to take these to society meetings... I always lose several and therefore lose the flowers soon after)
The Ctsm. tenebrosum is really dominant... Brent's Black Hawk is 3/4 tenebrosum, and Dark Tale is 1/3 tenebrosum. Actually, both have Ctsm. Donna Wise as one parent. Fred sure knows how to breed dark flowers!Take a look at the pedigree in
OrchidRoots Really neat things in the parentage.