FDK After Dark new growth continued
My FDK After Dark has a new growth and I wasn’t sure about re-potting and dividing yet. Also there was a comment that it could possibly be a spike and not a new bulb. Well, I’m pretty sure it’s a new bulb b/c of what appear to be roots. I’d like to repot and divide it by this weekend at the latest. This will be the 10th bulb and on the Sunset Valley Orchids site, it recommends dividing to keep it within 2-5 bulbs. So I could just repot it into 2 pots or I could do maybe 3-4 pots. I have also seen videos where people have done 1 bulb in each pot, which I could also do. I’m not sure which one has the least likelihood of me losing my plant. I’d appreciate any advice on that. Videos would also be appreciated