It's getting pretty big, having grown out those three latest pseudobulbs I had hoped would be spikes.
So now the hope is that we will see some flower action this spring or summer.
This plant has been easy during its winters indoors, keeping quietly to itself and presenting zero problems in spite of cool temps (13°C/58°F some nights) and much dryer conditions.
It's getting pretty big, having grown out those three latest pseudobulbs I had hoped would be spikes.
So now the hope is that we will see some flower action this spring or summer.
This plant has been easy during its winters indoors, keeping quietly to itself and presenting zero problems in spite of cool temps (13°C/58°F some nights) and much dryer conditions.
I have a growth that looks exactly like that but is a bit smaller. Can you post a comparison pic of last years growth vs this??? Ive heard spike from Carel(disalover) and growth from others