I got this Bulbo last summer and stepped it up to a 6 inch pot. It never even flinched and just kept on growing. This is the first bloom since I took over its care. It has quite a few more spikes coming on. The varietal name is "Joyce".
I added a couple more pics as its really blooming out now.
Last edited by IncurablePlantHead; 02-23-2014 at 12:37 AM..
I've been thinking of getting one of these but you put it in a 6" pot? I was hoping they were small to tiny and not sprawly. Can you post a pic of the whole plant?
Anon Y Mouse
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor
I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!
I've been thinking of getting one of these but you put it in a 6" pot? I was hoping they were small to tiny and not sprawly. Can you post a pic of the whole plant?
I'll post the whole plant later. The plant has small pseudobulbs and leaves, but grows fast and in every direction. Mine sort of piles up on itself.
These are so cool, I'd love to have one but I think they like it warm.
Mine grows in the garden in the shade of a large Live Oak. I just had a few nights in 40's which didn't bother my Bulbos at all. In general tho your right, they like it warmish.