I think mine is too young....it's a little bitty guy. Brook, how long have you had yours? Was it young (and little) when you got it? When was it's first bloom?
I have to say that your plant AND the photography is stunning!
A good friend of mine gave me some old pbulbs when he repotted his plant. I've grown this plant from the old bald bulbs. This is the third time it has bloomed but it is the most spikes it has produced. I have had it 5 or 6 years.
Bud I'm lazy about posting pics but a couple of people had asked to see mine when it bloomed. Usually we take pics the first time a 'chid blooms and then wait until it is a few years old. If I posted all of my blooming 'chids it might shut the forum down
Brooke, this is absolutely gorgeous! Anytime I see your name on a thread, I have to get my bib before opening! I am always so excited to look at your threads! I wanna be like you when I grow up!
Just wanted to add..
I dont know about anyone else, but... I wouldn't mind at all if you clogged up the forum a bit with all your beautiful pictures of your orchids!
Last edited by Island Girl; 09-23-2013 at 08:57 AM..
Thanks for the compliment but I don't want to drag the server down. I'm also lazy when it comes to posting pics
Heheh, I'm very lazy when it comes to posting pics too... I hate waiting for my laptop to boot up, and since I use my iPad all the time, I don't see any reason to get a new laptop
Oh my I am drooling. That is just fantastic. I think it is going on my wish list. I hope it is not hard to grow. I think I just said yesterday I didn't want hard to grow ones but I may have to change my mind.
Most orchids are not hard to grow if you can provide the conditions for it.
I grow both of my medusae in Catt light, wet and heavy on the fertilizer. Personally this was one of the easier Bulbos for me to bloom. Many of them need to be huge before they give you a good display.