Mini orchid- B. hirundinis or B. purpurascens?
Hello! I have a small, warm/intermediate terrarium and I am trying to decide between Bulbophyllum hirundinis and B. purpurascens. Can someone share their opinion on which is more floriferous, easier, more compact, etc.? I have a B. tingabarinum in the terrarium which is doing great and flowering. Tell me which one is worth getting! Attached is a picture of a bud on my Bulbophyllum tingabarinum in the small terrarium. Other plants are:
Haraella retrocalla (in bud)
Lepanthes telipogoniflora
Lepanthes calodictyon (in flower)
Bulbophyllum tingabarinum (in bud)
Macodes petola
Sinningia pusilla (sprouts in the front)
Last edited by epiphyte_neophyte; 09-06-2013 at 10:15 AM..