Originally Posted by Greenthumb.5
I apologize about the links. Here is the links and the password is orchidgroup if you cannot access it. I think they will work.  
They're working for me, good job getting some pictures up. If you want them to load with forum threads then look around photobucket for something called an 'embed tag' or similar, which when pasted into forum postings will make the forum load the links as if it were directly hosting your photos.
Potted up backbulbs. Is this what you meant
That's pretty much how I've been doing it. I top-water every day or two and make sure a little water stays under the pot so it's always moist but not sopping wet. Very similar to semi-hydroponic, though I mostly use quartz gravel which has little wicking capacity. Keep it warm and airy and gradually move to brighter light--the one I'm doing this with now (a sad little piece of plumatum/treschii) is in close to full sun, though that may be too much for your particular plant.
Well they were in a warm shady spot and were watered every week during cooler months but every three days in warmer months and I did fertilize them.
Hard to say what the exact problem was, though for me when Bulbos lose roots and leaves like that it usually seems to be b/c the plant was: a) too cold (the genus is huge and varies substantially in temperature needs), b) too dry or too wet, c) under-fertilized (don't forget the Ca and Mg!), or d) suffering fungal attack, not common for most bulbos and in my collection usually stemming from an issue with a)-c).
Where are you located geographically and what's your growing situation (windowsill, greenhouse, outdoors all or part of the year, etc.)?
BTW, your plant isn't echinolabium but an inter-sectional cross of echinolabium by Jim Clarkson (lobbii x claptonense); I only grow one of those species but AFAIK all do well with 'typical' Bulbo conditions of high moisture plus good air at the roots, abundant nutrients, warm temps, and bright diffuse light. You may find it useful to buy culture sheets for some or all of the species at
Orchid Culture -- Charles and Margaret Baker, which will give you some idea of the range of conditions they experience in the wild.
Good luck and keep us posted!