The 1st question I have is where do you want to "hot" them? I use PhotoBucket and it is very easy. PhotoBucket has a 1024x768 size requirement so it works for this forum. So set up your account and upload to the PB site and under each picture you will see a list of 4 options. Select the last one and paste that back into your OB post.
Now if your query is what do I use to get my original image to the 1024x768 size, that is a different subject. I use Photoshop but there are lots of other resizing software programs out there. It's all what fits your budget and ease of use; the end result is you will have a resized photo.
As an example, the 1st line is what I copied from my PB site and pasted it. Viewers of the post see the picture not the link text. Other sites like Fliker, work in a similar manner. Oh and BTW Welcome