Bulbo medusae
I have 3 medusae bulbos. One planted in a 6" pot with NZ sphagnum, one attached to a "cage" made out of 1/2 inch hardware cloth packed with NA sphagnum, and another in a 6" bulb pan potted in small fir chips mixed with a bit of perlite, small charcoal and fine tree fern. The only one that bloomed is the one planted in the bulb pan with the NZ sphagnum. It only has 2 bulbs, sent out 2 gorgeous infloresences, both bloomed with 8-9 inch long blossoms, and the bulbs look like they're ready to turn to mush. However, they remain firm, and now are sending out what looks like more bulbs. The other two, the oldest of the three I have, have never bloomed, the bulbs look lovely and green, and the leaves look quite healthy and green. They all get the same high light. I'm beginning to think the bulbs have to look ready to croak before the plant will bloom. Comments would be appreciated...