Hi! That's a big, good looking plant you've been given. I've managed to bloom my medusae successfully three years in a row now. Everyone's growing conditions are different, but here's what I do:
I grow it in a teak basket, in a 50/50 mix of NZ sphagnum moss and shredded tree fern bark. It seems to want to dry out a bit more between watering than my other Bulbos, so I usually wait til the surface of the moss is dry to the touch, almost "crispy," before watering; might seem too dry, but bear in mind that there will still be a good amount of moisture underneath, where you can't see. Also, try to keep the water from collecting on or around new growths, as they can rot easily if they're constantly wet. (And that's true for all Bulbos.) I feed it with a really weak MSU mixture about ever two weeks during the growing season.
As far as light, the basket hangs six inches below a bank of T5 lights, but I have a mesh screen right below the bulbs to cut down on the intensity. The plant also grows toward the end of the fixture, where the light isn't as strong. I have a fan running all the time to help with air movement.
Hope some of this helps!