I picked up these guys from a nursery that collected them from logging forest under license. I don't know how many there are but for reference they're crammed there into a seedling tray, Each pseudobulb would be about the size of a pea.
I've never had a Bulbophyllum before, so how should i care for them? Mount on tree-fern or something? do they handle being constantly wet or do they need a dry period?
Last edited by Undergrounder; 12-15-2008 at 07:30 AM..
You've gone from having none to having, potentially and I'd guess, at least over 100 divisions. Low to intermediate light and never let dry out. They need constant moisuture and are heavy feeders. I don't specifically know about exiguum but some Bulbos need more/less than others, some need more light as well. I keep all mine in Phal light which works nicely for all of them.
I agree with Sandy on all that. Mounting them is great as they tend to really ramble all over the place, so it can be hard to keep them in pots. However, potting in shallow containers does make it easier to keep them moist.