I bought my first miltoniopsis last October and so far it has enjoyed life under a grow light with a bit of extra exposure from my southern window. Since I got it in autumn, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop once it warms up for the summer here in Georgia. I've read that keeping it on the ground helps with temperature, too, since it's slightly cooler than on a high shelf.
Mine has experienced 62-68 degree F temps all through fall and winter and I water once it gets close to dry. Its 2 new growths have gotten big and the pbulbs haven't wrinkled. Really going to have to pick up the watering once it gets 75-80 in the summer, and the southern window will only make it hotter I believe. No direct sunlight, of course. It came as a large plant so I think that really helped it thrive and adapt. I repotted it shortly after the blooms fell in November from sphagnum moss to a Repotme mix that the roots seem to enjoy. The plastic pot it's in has lots of ventilation holes, too.
I keep the humidity anywhere from 55-75% and it seems to enjoy that a lot. Many of the aerial roots it came with died but mostly because I ran out of rainwater to mist them with and the repot sent them out of whack.
Good luck with your growing

They are some of the most beautiful flowers in my collection so I hope yours stays happy.