I have not had what I'd call longterm success yet.
The first one I bought had been sitting at the grocery store for awhile and the media was bone dry. I repotted it and carefully removed all the pro mix and dead roots (pretty much all of them) and potted it up in a fine bark mix in a clear slotted pot. I put it outside in bright shade. It died.
I bought another one. I got this one as soon as it appeared in the store (no chance to dehydrate). I did a cursory cleaning: I unpotted it ran it under a hose and any pro mix that remained after this cursory washing I left in place and didn't do any root trimming. I then mixed up a 1:1 mix of miracle grow orchid mix and a better gro bark mix I had on hand and potted it up in a clay pot about triple the size of its original pot and watered it well. I put it outside in bright shade where it got daytime highs in the low 70s and nightime lows in the low 50s. I tried to keep it moist but not wet. It did well (in that it lasted a month without going belly up), so I bought two more and gave them the same treatment.
I don't know if my choice of mix is the best option. I was expecting to kill these too so I decided to use some mixes I'd been gifted with rather than "waste" my good stuff. It also seemed like they might tolerate a finer more moisture retentive substrate.
Starting in November/December when night time lows started dipping into the low 40s to high 30s I started bringing them into the garage nightly. During the day they go outside where highs are in the low to mid 60s on most days, garage lows are usually in the low 60s. Depending on how early I have to put them out and how late they're left out, they are still seeing brief periods in the 40s. All are still alive with no decline in health (knock on wood). They're putting out new growth and I think one might even have some new buds. If they hang in there, I'll have had them a year come May.