It appears you have a flower spike that is growing in a manner where it is curling and twisting in on itself, like a pretzel. I had something almost identical happen to one of my Phals a few years ago. Like you, it was the first rebloom for me after having my plant for about a year. It ended up putting out three beautiful flowers very close to the bottom leaves, totally unlike you would expect with the usual long flower spikes.
I don't know what causes this for sure, but in my case, I had been regularly turning my plant, thinking that was good for it to get sunshine on all parts of the plant. I have since learned that, once we see a spike starting, we should not turn the plant. The spike wants to grow toward the light, and if we keep changing the direction of the light, it can cause bent and twisty spikes.
I have no way of knowing if that's what happened in your case, though. I see yours appears to have at least three flower buds. If it was mine, I would just let that spike and flowers develop the way they want to. If it's already broken through a leaf, chances are the plant will heal itself. You trying to cut that leaf off now could make things worse.
BTW, my plant is fine and healthy now and has bloomed several times since then with perfectly normal spikes. I just wanted to share my similar experience. Hopefully, others will be along soon, maybe with different opinions. Sometimes, we all agree about something; sometimes, we don't.