Looking for informaion on Oncidium twinkle
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Looking for informaion on Oncidium twinkle
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Old 01-09-2019, 03:47 PM
cluelessmidwesterner cluelessmidwesterner is offline

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Looking for informaion on Oncidium twinkle Female
Default Looking for informaion on Oncidium twinkle

Being new to orchids, I have been considering getting a Oncidium twinkle and have been reading on the net the information that is available.

But I know that everything you read is dependent on who is doing the article. For an experienced orchid grower, it may indeed be an easy plant to cultivate.

So I am asking for opinions on the good, the bad and possibly the ugly points on growing one. Is it an easy orchid to care for - yes I know it depends on environment but is it fairly forgiving or is it in reality a fussbudget? (Not something a newbie should try)

I was considering putting it into semi-hydro or is this a no go (again I understand everything is relative). Will it require a grow mat to keep the root zone warm like the Phals?

Does it have a rest period?

From what I read it stays small. Is that correct? Will it need to summer out of doors once the warm weather of spring comes around or will it be happy sitting on a window sill indoors all the time?

Is there a good place (since there are no local orchid growers/shows available) to purchase one?

Last edited by cluelessmidwesterner; 01-09-2019 at 03:49 PM..
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Old 01-09-2019, 04:22 PM
MrHappyRotter MrHappyRotter is offline
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Looking for informaion on Oncidium twinkle Male

Order it online. Consider waiting until later in the year once temperatures are in no danger of freezing. There are hundreds+ of reputable vendors, just search and you likely find one. This is a very commonly available hybrid so it shouldn't be too difficult to find someone who is selling it.

Ease of care is of course very subjective. That being said, Onc. Twinkle should be easy enough to care for if you've had experience with other orchids. They will perform better in higher light than a Phal would typically need. I doubt temperature will be terribly important, just keep them from extremes. Twinkle doesn't really require a rest period. However, there's going to be a natural cycle where psuedobulbs develop, then once they mature, the newest ones will flower more or less in sync, then new bulbs will develop a short while after. In between blooming and new growths forming, there may be some time where the plant isn't doing much. Since you're planning to grow in semi-hydro, watering will be the same throughout the year.

This hybrid can probably work with semi-hydro, but might prove a bit finicky to start. They have small, thin roots that appreciate moisture and detest getting too dry and repotting. You'll need to be patient and persistent initially, making sure that the roots don't dry out too much before they have a chance to reach down into the pot. Also, you should wait to repot into semi-hydro until you see new growths and new roots forming.

Warming mat may be helpful depending on the temps in your growing area, but probably won't be required unless you let things get cold.

Twinkle does stay fairly short compared to many other common Oncidium alliance plants, but they will spread out and become large plants over time. Overall, I'd consider it a mini for sure, though. You can grow it indoors year round if you'd like, so long as your indoor conditions are conducive. Summering outdoors has its share of pros and cons, though I'd imagine in S/H, you're better off growing it inside.
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easy, oncidium, read, twinkle, warm

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