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Old 01-03-2019, 01:35 AM
Chiru Chiru is offline
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Hi! I'm new. An introduction to my journey, and some questions. Male
Default Hi! I'm new. Here's my journey, and some questions.

Warning: This is a long post. Sorry. I like to type things.

Hi there. I'm new to this forum, and quite new to growing orchids as well. I'm mostly a tropical fruit hobbyist, and have a number of citrus trees as well. I've never cared much for flowers. (In the sense of growing my own/keeping them) Lovely to look at, but annuals are usually the prettiest and they end up dying off so why bother.

One day I went to my local dentist for my 6 month checkup and saw a number of beautiful orchid flowers he had scattered around his office. I thought they were pretty. He said he throws them away after they finish blooming. Most people do. Fast forward a few months and I'm heading to lowes to check up on their new citrus trees in the nursery. Gotta feed my obsession. Hope they have a Kishu Mandarin. Of course they don't. (Still looking.. sigh) I see some orchids, noting the ridiculous prices people pay for a flower that most people just throw away after bloom, or give as a random gift. Not for me. No way.

I figured I might as well check what's on the clearance rack. The lowes garden employees always overwater their plants and they end up wilting, dying off, etc. They never have any idea what they're doing. Nothing good up for grabs. Figures. But then I spot a wilty half-dead white Phal orchid on clearance for $5. It had a single wilted flower and a single leaf. The second leaf was dying off and yellow. Eh, why not. And so began my journey into orchids.

I still have this orchid, 3 years later and it's doing lovely. It had some close calls and almost bit the dust. I left it outside one night to get some lovely rainwater during a cool, rainy day. As per Texas weather, it was blazing hot the next day and the leaves turned white. Yikes. I burned it. But it popped right back. The roots were healthy and strong. Phalaeonopsis truly are tough plants.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Here is my first orchid that I rescued. It has decided to give me two spikes this year. Perhaps it's thanking me?

Over those 3 years, I've gotten various Phals rescues from the lowes discount rack. However, I never loved orchids. I liked them. I thought moth orchids were neat. But I see them everywhere. At weddings. At the doctors. At random Asian restaurants. (Asians REALLY love their orchids) and of course, at dentists. They're everywhere. And it's all they ever carry. However, this fall I noticed something weird on the lowes discount rack. It was a Dendrobium. I had no idea what the heck that was, and after asking the garden girl about it, she said she had no idea (shocker) and that they never carried it before, but it's dying. So I bought it. And now it's spiked. And now I'm waiting to see what the heck it is. I didn't know there were a bunch of different types of orchids. I was brainwashed into thinking phals were it. The final frontier.

I was wrong. I learned vanilla is an orchid. (How embarrassing) I learned about cattleyas. Oncidiums. I googled, and googled about orchids. I learned that whoever names orchids cannot make their mind up on nomenclature.
I learned that pitcher plants weren't orchids.
Orchids could be fragrant?! Aaaand a bunch of other things. Who knew they were so insanely, mindbogglingly diverse. Not me.

I still only liked orchids.

Then I saw this:
Imgur: The magic of the Internet

And this:
Imgur: The magic of the Internet

And even this:
Imgur: The magic of the Internet

And now I'm in love. So delicate. I don't know why, but I find these Japanese wind orchids absolutely, mind blowingly beautiful. They're pure. They're perfection. I've caught the virus. My wallet aches in anticipation of the damage that's yet to come. My bank account wails in horror at the prices these beauties command. And suddenly, that $20 Phal at lowes isn't so stupidly expensive anymore...
I get it now. For better or worse.

And that's my journey to now. Thanks for reading. I do have a few questions, and hopefully a few of you wouldn't mind identifying some of my orchids that are currently in bloom. Here's two oncidiums. I have no idea what they are, but I quite like them.
Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Lastly, I made a purchase of a bunch of new orchids. I've bought:

Neofinetia Falcata 'Amami Island'
Neofinetia Falcata 'Hisui' Jade
Neostylis Lou Sneary 'Bluebird'
Oncidium 'Sharry Baby'
Oncidium 'Twinkle' (white)
Brassavola Nodosa 'Lady of The Night'
Cattleya Rlc. Yen Corona 'Green Genie'

I don't even want to think about the costs.
One of my other hobbies is collecting perfume. I'm a big perfume kinda person. (Why are my hobbies so damn expensive?) So naturally, when I learned orchids, which I can grow indoors, have incredible fragrances, like chocolate, or coconut, I went crazy. You'll notice every orchid I purchased is fragrant. At least, I think so. Which leads to another question:

Is the Cattleya Rlc. Yen Corona 'Green Genie' fragrant? If so, how strong and what does it smell like? It's beautiful, nonethless.

Thanks for sticking around for my needlessly long thesis on orchids. Sorry...

What made you go from like to love?

Last edited by Chiru; 01-03-2019 at 05:58 PM..
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Old 01-03-2019, 07:10 AM
Dollythehun Dollythehun is offline
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Hi! I'm new. An introduction to my journey, and some questions. Female

You really should look into writing, you have a gift with words. Many of us got into orchids just as you did. They're addicting.

Your twinkle is tiny and fragrant, your Sharry Baby will get huge and mine smells like baby powder. Some are fragrant only at certain times and temperatures and some that should have scent, don't. Like people, each orchid is unique (in my opinion). They are both challenging and rewarding.

Welcome to the OB.
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Old 01-03-2019, 09:09 AM
Bulbopedilum Bulbopedilum is offline
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Originally Posted by Chiru View Post
I learned that pitcher plants were orchids.
The name "pitcher plant" (Nepenthes or Sarracenia) usually does not refer to an orchid.

Although here in Indonesia Paphiopedilums and Nepenthes are sometimes called by the same name.
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Old 01-03-2019, 05:29 PM
Chiru Chiru is offline
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Originally Posted by Bulbopedilum View Post
The name "pitcher plant" (Nepenthes or Sarracenia) usually does not refer to an orchid.

Although here in Indonesia Paphiopedilums and Nepenthes are sometimes called by the same name.
Interesting. Thanks for letting me know. Updated my post to reflect this.
I'm also highly amused this is the sole point in my lengthy post you chose to address.
Nonetheless, I appreciate the knowledge boost. Still haven't figured out what my NoID's are though. Perhaps you can help?

Originally Posted by Dollythehun View Post
You really should look into writing, you have a gift with words. Many of us got into orchids just as you did. They're addicting.

Your twinkle is tiny and fragrant, your Sharry Baby will get huge and mine smells like baby powder. Some are fragrant only at certain times and temperatures and some that should have scent, don't. Like people, each orchid is unique (in my opinion). They are both challenging and rewarding.

Welcome to the OB.
Thanks for the kind words and warm welcome.
Yeah! I'm super excited for the sharry baby. I've heard it smells of chocolate, and that's something I cannot resist. Today I received my Neofinetia Falcata Amami Island. It should be named "Umami" Island; it's so cute and small that I'd like to eat it.

Last edited by Chiru; 01-03-2019 at 05:55 PM..
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Old 01-03-2019, 11:46 PM
Bulbopedilum Bulbopedilum is offline
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It's hard to ID a NoID, because there are so many hybrids that look alike. The only way to really know is to contact the original vendor of the plant and see if they know.
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Old 01-04-2019, 12:37 AM
Chiru Chiru is offline
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Originally Posted by Bulbopedilum View Post
It's hard to ID a NoID, because there are so many hybrids that look alike. The only way to really know is to contact the original vendor of the plant and see if they know.
As mentioned in the original post, these are lowes rescues and the employees have no idea, hence the NoID. These department store bought flowers are often labeled generically with little or no information.
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Old 01-04-2019, 01:40 AM
TamiP TamiP is offline

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Love your intro! I'm one of those who can't find words so people think I'm rude.
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Old 01-05-2019, 08:34 AM
Mountaineer370 Mountaineer370 is offline
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Hi! I'm new. An introduction to my journey, and some questions. Female

Hello and welcome to the OB, Chiru! I read your entire post and enjoyed your story.

Originally Posted by Chiru View Post
What made you go from like to love?
For me, I think it probably was the first time I had one of my orchids rebloom under my care. That was exciting for me and caused me to purchase several more orchids over the ensuing couple of years. Sadly, I found that most everything besides Phalaenopsis does not do well in my growing conditions, so I've rehomed many plants. Like you, I'm really attracted to the beautiful and delicate Neos, but I believe they require more humidity that I can provide, so I've never bought one of those.

If you have the space and growing conditions that will be favorable to the orchids you have purchased, you are going to be very happy with your new hobby. Hope to see you around the board!
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Old 01-10-2019, 03:29 AM
aliceinwl aliceinwl is offline
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Hi! I'm new. An introduction to my journey, and some questions. Female

I noticed that Hobby Growing has the Green Genie listed on their site. It’s noted as fragrant, but no further details regarding scent are provided.
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Old 01-10-2019, 04:08 AM
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Hi! I'm new. An introduction to my journey, and some questions. Male

Welcome to the Orchid Board!
May the bridges I've burned light my way.

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