I am Elvis, a beginner in planting orchids from Hong Kong.
The orchids I have are mostly Bulbophyllum and they are mounted. Some of them are mounted for at least 6 months and they are doing well. There are so many new buds and leaves coming out; however, they never bloomed through the whole summer.
I plant them on my balcony under a curtain, so that there are no direct sunlight. Water once everyday, sometime twice. Liquid orchid fertilizer is used once a week. The weather here is always hot and humid in Hong Kong.
I want to know if I am planting them correctly, thanks. Bulbophyllum falcatum Bulbophyllum tremulum Bulbophyllum tingabarinum Bulbophyllum sumatranum Bulbophyllum medusae Bulbophyllum sikkimense Bulbophyllum maximum Bulbophyllum lasiochilum