why do you grow orchids....?
I have been thinking about this for a while and have come up with several reasons why I grow orchids ( and lots of other plants, all legal stuff)....
lets start with the fact that I am a gardener at heart. Memories of my Dad and me working the vegetable garden together. I enjoy being out in my yard, orchard, vegetable garden, checking things out or exploring for wild native orchids n south FLA. Did that yesterday and it lifted my spirit to see so many encyclia tampensis and oeceoclades maculata in situ. Kudos to those municipalities that recognize the value of keeping native flora and force developers to get projects screened for native trees. Will post those pictures next week when I can do so on my home wifi.
I see all my gardening activities, orchids included as a continuous therapy session. The sight of a blooming orchid brings a smile to my mug and smiles is what we need a whole lot more of. Teaching a new orchid grower the basics and seeing them bring in the first blooming plant at local OS meeting with a never ending smile.
Orchids engage the mind like no other plant can ( am sure there will be various opinions on that and that is very ok) and they are a never ending stream of nature's beauty
I see nature as the ultimate artist and orchids as nature's gallery of beauty.
Why do you grow orchds?
So..... how you doin?