Hi all,
I'm having a bit of a problem with my Phal. Sogo Grape 'Fireball.' I got it about a month ago in late September. It arrived potted in sphagnum with six leaves and some roots (only three were visible above the surface of the medium).
Since then it has slowly declined-it has lost all but its two most recently grown leaves.
I unpotted it from the packed sphagnum earlier today and found that all the roots seem to have shriveled up and died except for two small ones (the small greenish one and the plump yellow one)

I've watered it only twice since I received it by checking the dampness of the moss near the bottom of the pot. It sits near a west-facing window which receives a bit of light early afternoon. Temperatures range from about 65°F at night to around 69°F during the day, with humidity levels ranging from around 33-50% (depending on outside weather conditions).
What would be the best way to go about saving this orchid? It's currently sitting bare-root on top the old medium. I haven't done anything other than unpotting the plant.