Current temperatures are OK (though these plants would be quite happy if it were a few degrees warmer... it looks like photo may have been taken in the evening, so daytime temps are probably somewhat higher anyway. Phals in particular really don't like to go much below 60 deg F. (15 deg C) The other two can tolerate low temperatures a few degrees cooler. So in winter, you will need some more heat. A heat mat under them will help, but you will still want to get them some more heat at that time. If you don't want to heat the whole room, perhaps some sort of enclosure? Or another area in your house.
My heating is set to 20C (16C overnight) and I happily grow warm growing species phalaenopsis (bellina, speciosa, kunstleri and more).
This may be below what is generally recommended, but I've had these for years with no supplemental heat source - American growers often quote higher temperatures, but in general their room temperatures are higher than British homes are kept.
If you look at some of the European nurseries Orchideen Lucke, Schwerter - they recommend a minimum of 18C for Phalaenopsis bellina.
6 Phaleonopsis (1 is dormant)
1 Bratonia
1 Miltonia
The bratonia and miltonia will be fine, but the phalaenopsis would really prefer considerably warmer conditions. Most species rarely see cooler than 23°-24°C and will actually grow much better when even warmer.
The cold is likely while your one phal is "dormant", as unless you have a Chinese species, they usually don't have much of a dormancy period.