To aliceinwl : Thank you for your reply. I didn't see any webbing that looked like mite webbing...just one tiny spider and a single strand of web leading to him. Probably was eating those mystery invaders for me.
To katrina : Thank you also for your reply! I too thought those looked like antennae so it's good to know these are likely not mites. It helps knowing what to look for to id them which was what I was hoping to learn. Also thanks for the insecticidal soap warning too I'll be careful to not over apply.
Today the bugs are pretty much gone. I will keep an eye out though. I don't really mind them as long as they aren't damaging things. I had feared the worst and treated to be extra cautious because they did kinda look like mites to me and this is my favorite plant and it's getting it's first new growth in my care.

I really appreciate this forum though and you guys for taking time to reply to my noobie questions.