Hi again

I bought an orchid a few days ago and was happy with it until I read about terminal spikes on orchids. My orchid is in bloom but there are flower spikes coming out under the first and second leaves as well as in the middle of the crown. The weird thing is that the new leaf growing seems to be attached to the spike instead of the crown. Also, there is a small weird leaf looking thing growing on the upper part of the flower spike(its in the pictures). It doesn't look like a keiki. Is it a new leaf or something??? Growing on the top of a flower stem???
Aside from that everything is healthy including the root system. I'm no expert but this orchid does not seem old. The leaves on the bottom are very small and they gradually get bigger(I'm guessing the small leaves are from the time it use to be a keiki) and since it still has the small leaves attached, Its a pretty young orchid right? Is it a terminal spike? Will my orchid be able to grow new leaves or should I return it? Please tell me its not a terminal spike!!! I really love this orchid and want to keep it.
Thank you for your help and sorry for sideways pics. I took them on my phone.