When Do You Decide to Rehome an Orchid?
Something that has been often repeated on this forum is the fact that orchids will teach us patience. I've only been growing orchids for a short time compared to many of you, around three years, and I have come to really appreciate the truth of that idea.
However, I have only a very small space for orchids in my home. Presently, I own a grand total of thirteen orchids, and they all reside on my kitchen table, in front of a good-sized south-facing window. Only two of my orchids (both Phals, both the first two orchids I got) have ever rebloomed for me. One of the Phals took 19 months to rebloom. The other one has rebloomed at intervals of 8, 14, then 7 months.
I have a few Oncidium types, and they are between a year and a half to two years here with no reblooms ever. Ditto with my one Cattleya. I have a few Paphs, one of which is well over a year old, but it's growing a nice new fan, and I know it will not rebloom until that fan is mature. My other Paphs and a couple of newer Phals have not been with me long enough to expect blooms.
I'm getting discouraged. I'm starting to think I just don't have the right conditions to bloom orchids. Everything I have grows new roots and foliage just fine, but I'm having no luck getting flowers. I'm starting to think of rehoming many of these, especially the oncidiums and the catt, since I don't have the space to spare to just have them sitting around doing nothing. I wish I did. I feel guilty for thinking about this. Plants are nice, even if they don't have flowers, but I think those of us who grow orchids do so hoping for flowers, even though it may be a long wait in between.
So how long is long enough? Do you have a rule of thumb about how long you keep an orchid before you decide it might be happier living somewhere else? Or are you someone who will just keep them forever, waiting for that special occasion when they may surprise you with blooms?