Originally Posted by DeaC
 I have only 3 but managed to get 2 to bloom. You'll need them to be grown in baskets with at least 1-2'' spaces between the slots as flowers emerge from bottom of pot. I use wire baskets lined with coconut fiber and filled in with s/m. Have read even paper can be used as a lining. My growing area is simple. They hang from edge of growlights,near humidifier and fan overhead. Once warmer temps arrive, they go outside and hang under tree in dappled light. Home is ~65deg. and I believe they'd appreciate warmer temps but take it or leave it. Flowers only last 3-5 days for me but they're very exotic looking and fragrance is unique. Happy growing!
So its possible to put them out in the summer in NJ? How cold do the nights get?
Dont have a humidifier in the house but I've been waffling on that purchase for plant reasons. Maybe time to do it.
The room my little collection is in is a SE location with 3 big sky lights and fully glassed. Basically the dining area overlooking a view of the Mission mountains. Lots of natural light but not so much that I cant tier the plants and keep diffused sun types happy.
So coconut fiber exterior in a open weave hanger filled with sphagnum works then. I have time to get set up as the plant hasn't shown up from Santa Barbara Estates yet. Told them to hold off shipping until the MT weather is above 50F.
When did they bloom? I ask because if its summer I have to keep an eye out for the humming birds. They come in the house and will try to get the nectar. Had it happen with my Cats if they bloom in the summer. We keep the house doors open during the summer for air circulation...