Well, it happened. An orchid show came to town, and I actually remembered. So I went, vowing not to buy anything... lol must have been out of my mind that day!
Andy's Orchids, where I stopped on the first day, got me these two:
The Epidendrum, I just fell in love with. What a weird little flower! I'm calling it my Sharpei, because it's so wrinkly XD
The Dendro was recommended as one that can stay fairly moist, to go in my gecko vivarium, near the water. (I've moved it since this photo was taken, because the manzanita it's on was getting soaked. also, I need to do something about the wire, but I haven't been able to get it off yet.)
I went back on Sunday (unfortunately, two hours after the lecture I wanted to hear, but I majorly overslept) to look harder for Angraecum didieri, to replace the one I lost, and ended up finding one in bud at the Cal-orchid booth.
And, since one vendor had this, and I was planning to order it online, I got a Brassavola digbyana (sp?) and saved myself the shipping cost haha.
Can I just say how amazing the flowers on this thing smell? Every night when I walk by the fishroom (where it's sitting for now) I smell citrus (hubby smells "perfume", whatever that means). I don't even have to be close to the flower.
I'm hoping another stalk or two blooms before it's done for the season, but even if they don't, I'm so happy I picked it up. I plan to use it on a centerpiece I'm going to make for the coffee table. Should be amazing when it blooms every year.