One of my phals is huge, outgrew 6” pot what next?
Decided to repot my oldest Phal. It’s my biggest. Lots of arial roots. . The reason I wanted to repot it was because some of the roots were looking a little mushy. But I wanted give it some new medium and drill some holes for ventilation in it’s clear plastic pot.
When I took it out I realize that the root system is huge. It’s basically all roots. There wasn’t too many bad roots for me to trim off once I got a good look at it. The problem is I had trouble fitting it back into the pot! Also there was really no room for me to add any medium.
Now regret taking it apart until I had a biggger pot. There doesn’t seem to be much online for a bigger pot then 6 inch. I’ve seen some 8 inch repot me but they are quite expensive esp. with the shipping.
I’ve had pretty good luck with the clear plastic pots but if anyone has any other recommendations I am all ears. Thank you I’ll try and upload a pic
Last edited by garnet16; 03-11-2018 at 06:36 PM..