My Rhynchostylis has no roots. . .
Hello everyone! I am a beginner to growing orchids, and I have a Rhynchostylis which I have recently purchased that isn't happy. Some roots were lost when I potted it, and then the rest died back from too much water, I believe. It is in a hanging basket now with no medium. (there was sphagnum moss before, but I took it out when I started losing roots) I have lost a couple leaves, but gained a couple spikes. Does this mean it is actually doing fine, or is it more likely that it's killing itself trying to bloom? I'm considering cutting the spikes off to encourage it to grow roots. Is that a good idea? I mist it twice a day and keep it in a window by the shower with indirect sun. I have begun adding Indole-3-butyric Acid rooting hormone to its weekly 30-10-10 feeding. There are some roots which I believe are dead, but I am hesitant to cut them back just in case they are all that is keeping my plant alive. Any advice would be appreciated.
Last edited by jw.shaffer723; 02-16-2018 at 11:34 AM..