Oh for....serious?
ha. ok. Well, I'm glad I didn't get too overly upset or I'd feel even more silly now.
I knew about this plants dormancy and leaf losing habits, but I think I was baffled at how quickly this started. I just didn't recognize it in my own plant despite googling care for this one. Also, now that I think it over, I think fertilizing issues, at least the ones I'm familiar with, manifest more as brown leaf tips.
Hopefully the spike will be fine! I flowered my oncidium Sharry Baby, my oncidium Twinkle (the pink one), and my new zygotoria? Midnight Blue Cardinal's Roost came with blooms and they all smell wonderful, but I'm hoping this plant has a different scent.
Thank you both for the comments! I'll keep on with care and let it adjust and settle.