My perhaps uninformed understanding is that misting can increase dryness in air that is both dry and hot, because the combination of heat and dry air accelerates evaporation.
Mist will never increase dryness. Evaporation accelerates with hot and air dry because:
1 - Air is dry. In nature everything seeks equilibrium. If one puts water in contact with dry air it will evaporate faster because the equilibrium is to reduce dryness. Think of this analogy, between one heated room and another one cold, separated by a door. If you open the door, temp in the heated room will fall down while in the cold one will increase. This exchange will continue until the equilibrium temp is achieved.
Same happens with humidity and also happens with cold air but evaporation will have a lower rate because...
2 - ...cold air has a lower capacity to retain water vapour while hot air has a higher capacity.
Air is a mixture of gases, being water vapor one of them. In hot air the space between molecules are higher because its energy level is higher. If the empty spaces are bigger, then more water molecules can exist there.
In cold air, these spaces are smaller, so the capacity to recieve water is lower.
This is a simplistic view of it 'cause it's hard to explain, it's a subject related with something called thermodynamic. The equilibrium I told before, in this case, is influenced by temp, pression, etc, etc.