I took a picture in February of one of my Dracula papillosa divisions in the middle of having many spikes sequentially blooming (one of the other divisions was also vigorously blooming, too but, due to the pattern of the vase, it was more difficult to see the flowers). The poor photo quality is why I don't advise one to grow this in a vase. The spikes come mostly from the sides of the pots and the roots grow down into the lava rock at the bottom of the vase so....
The next is a little noID phal (the only noID orchid currently in my collection) that I just love. It isn't usually my type but the flowers have somehow gotten me.
The third picture is the first bloom for my Potinara Hawaiian Prominence 'America' AM/AOS. It got stuck in the sheath but, except for the stem being bent, the flower turned out quite well, I believe. The fragrance is just like a Mr. Lincoln rose this time.

This is actually a replacement for the first, another victim of my little Maltese-poodle. I read an article on used tea leaves as being a good fertilizer for passiflora and so I have been putting tea bags on top of all my orchid lava rock and they do seem to really like it. I drink quite a bit of tea.

The last is my creation from a recent Plantnite event that was a treat from my daughter. One of the succulents got a bit destroyed on the way home but if anyone can identify the two others and give advice on care, I would really appreciate it. Beyond aloe and cacti, I haven't really grown succulents.