Hi, this is my first time posting. I have been reading threads here for as long as I've been attempting to grow orchids, which is 4 years

I've been a part of my local orchid society yet lack time and money to keep going regularly for now. I'm nerdy enough to experiment and these are my green pets after all, so I'm as happy as the Cheshire Cat experimenting on my lovely green pets

Sadly many have not joined my big smile up in the sky but chose the wrong right path. So I dance with my greenly companions that remain.
The green pet I can rejoice for is my Laelia Anceps Guerrero that is in Bud! I regret that I can not take any credit for the plant, or the spike. I purchased the plant that way and have nurtured it as well as a mad cat can grow a plant to smile back for him

I am shocked the plant continued with the blooms. I'd been forced to neglect care for the plants and thought for sure it would abort the blooms to save energy for the plant. But it was so determined, it shot out new roots and is pushing 2 blooms right now, and I couldn't be happier. I have had dreams of fields of Laelia Anceps blooms for years! The blooms are glued together due to very low humidity. So I've been running water over them and lightly rubbing them to free them from the bloom sheaths and hopefully help them open successfully. I am afraid they might not like the water and the touching though. If you think I am doing the right thing here then fingers crossed they open up ok
I grow in difficult conditions that include a basement window for the ones in spike, temporarily that is. And all my other green friends grow on a small bookshelf next to a west-facing basement sliding door with a deck above the door. Though the plants grow pretty and green, I know they will not bloom from my care until they can have more light. I live in a complex living situation, so they will grow green and wait until they can have a new home with me.
Thanks for reading my poor grower's happiness
Update -- It just bloomed in the past 24 hrs. Pics below
Latest Update
-- Pics in Full Bloom. One bloom has light striations like a precursor to Lineata or Disciplinata. I don't remember offhand what crosses are used to make those two beautiful flowers. Enjoy
