Westland compost alternative - and alternative use?
Hi everyone,
Just joined and I wondered if anyone can help me. I need to re-pot a phal, so just went to local garden centre to pick up some orchid bark but all they had was Westland Orchid compost.
My gut feeling told me the bag felt far too squidgy to contain anything that would resemble sensible potting media... but I ignored myself and believed what I read on the label "perfect for orchids". Hummm.... now I'm home and opened the bag, not so sure! Looks like root suffocation in a bag to me.
So I have two questions: Based on availability in the UK, where can I source plain medium sized bark. Which is the best, are there any comparison studies? I did use seramis previously and maybe I got unlucky with old stock, but it's terribly powdery and 'bitty' even after washing.
Second question: now I've opened the bag I'm also stuck with 10L of this Westland compost - not sure what to do with it, does anyone know if there is any practical use? Maybe it's the perfect time to try out terrestrial orchids...