Hi Sheridan, fellow Oregonian!

I even know where Crooked River Ranch is

The clay balls are LECA (light expanded clay aggragate), commonly used in hydroponic systems. Orchid growers have discovered it makes a great medium for the chids. The postitives are it's reusable, never decomposes, gets lots of air to the root zone, no bugs. It also has moisture wicking properties and is used in a growing method called semi-hydro. Visit the Semi-hydro forum for a complete description, or better yet visit
Welcome to First Rays Orchids. Ray has so much good information on his website, and not just about growing s/h. Definately worth a visit. There are different LECA products, Hydroton, Alifor, and PrimeAgra to name a few. The downside to using LECA is the big plants in the big pots get
really heavy.

I'm still experimenting with a couple of plants in s/h. My plan is to try a plant from every alliance and see which ones respond best to s/h. In the mean time coco husk chunk, perlite and charcoal still work great for me.
That's a very pretty vini colored Paph. I've not ordered from Chesterfield before but it looks like they have a nice selection. If you ever get over to the Eugene area there's a greenhouse you must visit!