Wowie! Hello again. It's been a long time since I visited the Orchid Board and it has grown so much. I was just so busy taking care of the business by myself I had no time to look up. Now my son Russell and his wife Aurora have joined me and have really been a big help in getting us back up to speed.
We run this business from a town in Oregon with a population of 251!! We have about half an acre which this time of year is a vegetable and flower garden where Russell, Aurora and I spend a lot of time battling weeds and pests!
We are here to answer emails and take your order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year so you will receive fast service. We have reduced our minimum order to $25 to accommodate more new customers. You will find our prices and customer service to be outstanding.
I love to talk about growing stuff and have had this business for 52 years now and I also love to share orchid pictures on Facebook under Harry Tolen and Chula Orchids. I find pictures from around the world of many orchids that are just astounding. I share mostly ones that have the names with them so they can be a help to others. It would be great to connect with previous customers.

So check 'em out and friend up!!!