Hello everyone! I have some questions involving fertilizing/watering and some spotting on leaves. I've been doing research but for some reason never thought to see if there was forums for orchids
My husband got me a Phal from Lowes back in early spring, 6 pretty blooms on it. He then had to go back and get a proper pot cause the poor thing was drowning. We've had this one for atleast 6 months and it's been doing rather well- even spotted a new leaf on it this morning during watering.
Our new one is a Rhynchostylis (either gigantea or retusa- it had two tags and of course they say two different things) that when we got home we noticed had black spots on leaves. I wish I took pictures so we would know if more appeared, but sadly I didn't think of doing so. It's temporarily in a pot with holes in the sides until we can grab an hour or two to start building it a hanging basket.
They both live in a bathroom that has a E/SE facing window
So, the questions- these guys get watered 3 times a week. 1 time fert and 2 times plain water. Do ya'll think thats often enough? I'm nervous about over watering (did that with previous orchids before I learned more about them) but I'm worried that they may need more ferts a week. I've read water with ferts every time & flush with plain water once a month to water with ferts once a week to water with ferts once a month and water in general once a week, so slightly confused.
Second question- how would ya'll handle the Rhy. black spots? It doesn't have a spike, just leaves. The orginal spots haven't seem to be getting bigger but there may be more tiny scattered black dots
thanks for any help!