I've noticed my Phals aerial root is looking kinda odd. I'm not sure if the root tip was some how bumped and so that tip has died so it is trying to put out another from around the same area or what. Just thought I would share.
Last edited by Irielicious; 06-13-2016 at 03:18 PM..
Yes, something disrupted the growth of the root tip, but it is starting up again. There will always be a kink in the root at that point but it should grow normally going forward.
I figured something disrupted it... I've never seen an aerial root branch so wasn't sure if maybe that is what was happening or something I wasn't aware of!!! Thanks again for your input!
During its growth, roots can bifurcate. I've seen this, especially in my dens and oncidium.
In your photo seems to be both tips are alive and probably that's what is happening.