Originally Posted by Marlena
Mine have been in only water, all the time and I've not had that problem. With the 2 that were awful I changed the water every day and added some 3% hydrogen peroxide. I have read that if you have a root rot problem, spray the remaining roots with the HP and let it dry before putting them in water. Are you just letting the bottom 1/4 of the roots be in the water? More than that isn't good.
I have heard this technique promotes root growth.
This is my first indoor plant/phal/orchid ever which gave me a beautiful 4-5 months of bloom but I think it stopped due to root rot.
About 80% of the roots were cut off (about 2~3cm into the healthy root) due to mushy and some black rotted roots from the tip. Only uncut healthy root tips made contact with the water but the plant was already sick to begin with which may have been a contributing factor.
I had angled the plant perfectly to have only approximately 1.5~3.5cm submerged in water on each uncut tip.
This was my first phal/orchid/plant ever. I couldn't stop the root rot even after returning to sphagnum moss, and now it has zero roots and 2 leaves (drying edges) + 1baby leaf remaining.
Currently, I have the base of the root submerged in water during half of the day.
I don't know... I am just trying anything and everything to give it any chance possible.
I also bought another phal, this time a sick one from the same store which had recently lost all it's petals for $3.50.
This one has had all it's rotten roots removed and planted back into moss for one week. Although there was much root loss, there is great signs of improvement; very few rotting roots. It has been cut off, dried for two days (with few drops of water daily on healthy roots), and about to be replanted again in moss.
Although I was unsuccessful the first time (I literally thought it might have been someone's sick joke) but after seeing this thread, I really want to be optimistic and try this again.
I will take your advice, so I completely soak the entire roots with 3% hydrogen peroxide and let it dry (maybe an hour?) before placing tips (+up to 1/4 of a root) into water?
Also, what ratio did you mix your 3% hydrogen peroxide with water?