I'm an American teacher in Jakarta.
We were buying pots and other sundries at a street side nursery on the edge of Jakarta. We have an assortment of porch plants some of which need repotting, and I have some dragonfruit, spinach, and cucumber seedlings from a kindergarten science demonstration that need to be transferred out of tupperware 'greenhouses'. It was a good enough excuse to get out of the house before my evening IELTS class.
At the nursery, on a rack of various garden seed, I found these.
WhatsApp Image 2021-02-25 at 9.08.26 PM.jpeg - Google Drive
(Bell orchid and babyface orchid seed packs)
This is the same packet form an Indonesian online shop.
I thought that for 2 dollars I could give them a try. I'm in Jakarta and the packaging looks local for export. The information on the back of the packets is the same mistranslated generic mess with no specific information.
I thought that with the multitude of orchid types that these might be some of the few that can be grown from seed.
The instructions from the nursery worker was to place the seeds on top of the soil instead of putting them in the soil.
I figured 'what the hell, if they don't sprout I'll just put cucumbers in the pot later."
The paper packets contain smaller foil packets, which I haven't opened yet.
My (brief) attempts to find care instructions for either species have lead only to sites selling 'bell orchid seeds' that look like the picture on my package, care instructions for bell orchids that look nothing like the picture I have, a suspicion that the "bell" seeds I have aren't really orchids, claims that the babyface orchid is a hoax, and this forum.
So, any hints here? Has anyone gotten these to sprout?
I'm near MacDonald's Cipayung in Jakarta Timur if microclimate data helps.