So my beautiful phal, Bob, has crown rot. I've attached some pictures.
I gave him hydrogen peroxide every 3 days or so until the fizzing stopped. This was over a period of a month or so. The fizzing stopped and the rot isn't spreading.
My worry now is that Bob has stopped growing roots when he was growing roots quite prolifically. His roots are all dried up at the surface (old roots I haven't gotten rid of as he hasn't been repotted since the day I got him from IKEA since he's been in constant bloom since I got him) but he has a decent amount of roots going on underneath.
I don't know what to do. Bob currently has 3 stalks growing, one of which is in bloom. His leaves are a good green but starting to droop when they used to be rigid before.
Please don't tell me it's a lost cause - I don't want to give up on Bob!